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13 August 2024

Maintenance measure to improve the database infrastructure

The database infrastructure has been improved. Previously, the database ran in single-AZ mode (= availability zone). As a result of the changeover, the database was converted into a multi-AZ mode. The changeover means that the database is converted from a configuration in which it is only operated in a single availability zone to a configuration in which it is operated simultaneously in several availability zones within a region. What does this...

30 May 2024

monkkee goes pro

monkkee is no longer free. In order to ensure a safe operation and have greater scope for further developments, we are shifting to a paid model. As of 1 July 2024, monkkee will cost 18 euros per year. For a long time, monkkee was free and only financed through donations. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the supporters who have donated in the past. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to run monkkee. And yet, the donations are not...

04 December 2023

Update: Better search, better listing

The following updates improve the page loading speed and enhance the user experience when searching for text, tags or dates. Pagination Journal entries can now be viewed through multiple pages. This allows users to make big leaps into their journaling past with just a few clicks. By returning only a portion rather than the whole set of entries, loading times are reduced, leading to faster results. Search results navigation When searching for...

15 October 2023

More donations needed

The donations we are receiving are not sufficient to develop and run monkkee sustainably. IT operating costs, development staff, support and maintenance are expenses which are necessary to ensure that monkkee runs smoothly. These costs are currently not covered by the donations we receive. So, here's an appeal to all of you: Support us! Make a donation once per year that corresponds to your use of monkkee. You write regularly? Then please...

15 September 2023

10 years of monkkee

It’s been ten years since we announced the launch of monkkee in this blog post. ​The article picture shows ​a​ cake​, and we really had it that day. The monkkee logo​,​ applied with powdered sugar and a stencil made from cardboard. Ten years later, it’s time for another cake and three anecdotes about monkkee. A sudden rain shower and 100 dollars I had the idea for monkkee in 2011. It all started out as a personal software project I did besides...

23 July 2023

New: Donation subscriptions

Ongoing support made easy monkkee fans are now offered an easier way to make regular donations. Thanks to PayPal Subscriptions, you can now set up a recurring donation and automatically donate a specific amount to monkkee on a yearly or monthly basis. One-time donations are of course still possible. Whether single donation or donation subscription: monkkee is funded exclusively through donations. We rely on regular donations to keep this...

04 March 2023

Relaunch of monkkee’s homepage

We have overhauled our start page. The modern and professional design emphasises what monkkee stands for: high quality standards and a focus on what really matters. URLs Through the relaunch, the URLs have changed: Old New Homepage www.monkkee.com monkkee.com (without www) Application my.monkkee.com monkkee.com/app/ The old URLs are still valid and redirect to the new addresses. Design Design changes include: Bigger font Button design More...

13 December 2022

How do I change my password and what happens then?

In conventional web applications, changing your password is a simple action: Enter old password Enter new password Repeat new password Save Done! The first steps are similar in monkkee. But then, an additional process follows in monkkee, which is linked to our security concept. In this step, all encrypted data must be decrypted with the old password and encrypted with the new password. Encrypted data are: text contents in journal...

27 June 2022

Donations needed for infrastructure

The server and database costs have risen massively and we need your support! The reasons for this are as follows. Better server performance At the beginning of the year, we significantly improved the performance of the servers. As a result, the cost of the servers has doubled. With enough donations in the next few weeks, a performance increase for the databases is also conceivable. Such performance increases will ensure that monkkee responds...

26 May 2022

New help and support system

monkkee now has a support ticket system. The previous contact form is no longer needed. The support system enables us to process your cases in a more reliable and structured way and help you with your problems in a more professional way. In the best case situation, our FAQ, which we have moved to the support system, will already help you. This way you can search for the problem yourself and perhaps already find a solution. You can find the...

28 April 2022

609 reasons to support monkkee

Since 2014, you have given us great feedback on our donation page. Still hesitating to support monkkee? Check out the comments below and donate too!!! sub pil says: 2022/04/07 at 2:30 am The best time saving webtool which saves lot of my time by not wondering what / how / when something went wrong . i simply go here and pick the tag and approximate date , that’s it !!! Thanks a lot guys! John says: 2022/03/27 at 4:12 pm Great site, perfect for...

30 August 2021

Eating your own dog food

“Eating your own dog food” describes the practice of a company using its own products or services. We asked Björn, the developer of monkkee: Do you use monkkee yourself and, if so, what for? I developed monkkee because I wanted to record my thoughts, which I used to write down on paper, in a safe place that is really just for myself. In fact, my first entries consisted of transcripts of paper records, which I then disposed of. And then, there...

21 March 2020

5 ideas how to use coloured tags

monkkee has a new feature: coloured tags. The function can be used to design and highlight tags. This increases the visibility of your journal or notebook entries in the overview. Tagging explained Tags are created from within individual journal entries. Here you can assign new tag names or select existing tags from a list. On the overview page you will find the link ‘Manage tags’. From this tag menu, you can rename tags, delete tags, and now...

16 February 2019

New: Timestamp function

monkkee’s WYSIWYG editor has been updated with a new feature. The clock icon can be used to insert timestamps into the content of any entry. In addition to the date of an entry, which still exists, the timestamp provides you with a possibility to add time information to your writings. The following two examples demonstrate how the timestamp can be used. Example 1: Journal with short entries If you usually write very short journal entries, you...

19 July 2018

How does “Tagging” work in monkkee?

A tag is a label assigned to a piece of information. It helps categorise and find data. Tags usually consist of only one term or keyword. Unlike categories or folders, tags are generally not arranged in hierarchies. One advantage is that several tags can be assigned for the same thing. In monkkee, you can tag your journal entries. This allows tagged entries to be found again by searching. In this blog article, we will show you step by step how...

05 May 2017

Why you must never forget your monkkee password!!

We frequently get support requests along the lines of “I can’t remember my password. Can you please help me?”. The short answer to this is no. We usually provide a more detailed answer, explaining the reasons behind it and referring to the “Password reminder” function which allows any logged-in user to store a password hint. When creating a monkkee account, users are made aware of the fact that monkkee can neither reset nor recover lost...

21 December 2016

Your Christmas donation for a bigger monkkee server

More server, more power, more space,… Earlier this month, we moved to a new server after three years of operation. In fact, the monkkee community has been growing rapidly since our launch in 2013. With our new server, we have found a solution that can expand as monkkee grows. Thus, the future is secured – at least from a technical viewpoint. Naturally, the new server is located in Germany. We lay great emphasis on the label ‘Hosting in...

17 September 2016

Donations: New method of payment introduced

New method of payment: Donate with your credit card Many of you have already supported monkkee with a donation and we are grateful for every single contribution we receive, no matter how small or big. Your donations help us to keep monkkee alive and running and allow us to constantly improve your journaling experience. PayPal as service provider, but not necessarily as payment method As a payment processing service, PayPal supports several...

30 August 2016

How to change the date of a journal entry

Change the date and time Each journal entry in monkkee has a date and a time. Whenever you create a new entry, the systems inserts the current date and time. Thereafter, the timestamp will not change anymore even if you modify the entry. That’s the behaviour most users would expect. But what if you’re looking to add entries to the past or future? For example, you may want to transfer some notes from another diary to monkkee and retain the...

23 April 2016

Why monkkee won’t launch an app in the near future

Since the launch of monkkee, we have been concerned with the question of whether or not monkkee needs a dedicated mobile app. Apps are still very popular, they are often faster than web applications and they can be distributed easily through app stores. Several of you have written to us, asking whether we had any plans to develop an app. And yet, we couldn’t bring ourselves to do it, and, as things stand, nor are we going to launch an app in...

07 April 2016

New editor functions

In January we asked you which editor functions you would like us to implement. Many of you responded, and we thank all of you for your suggestions! We have evaluated the results and have been able to translate most of your ideas and wishes into new functionalities. The toolbar now offers you even more possibilities to express yourself, be it through emoji, special characters, fonts or formatting functions. If you don’t see the new icons right...

18 December 2015

Editor optimised for mobile devices

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since our last blog update, but we haven’t been idle, on the contrary, we’ve worked hard to maintain and further improve monkkee and provide you with an even better user experience. As more and more of you are accessing their journals from their tablets and smartphones, we’ve made some improvements to the editor. The toolbar is now optimised for use with mobile devices and can be minimised to allow for more...

01 February 2015

New: Export your journal as PDF, HTML, Markdown, JSON or XML file

We are proud to present monkkee’s latest feature – an export function for your journal entries! While your data will of course remain securely encrypted in your monkkee account, you now have the option to download them to an unencrypted, readable HTML or PDF file or further process them in Markdown, JSON or XML format. With the new export feature we would like to give our users the possibility to save their digital notebooks locally on a backup...

26 October 2014

The future of monkkee

A week ago, monkkee’s future was determined – at least officially. During the past year, we have received many enquiries from users asking us how we plan to ensure monkkee’s existence a few years from now. In other words: What is the business model behind monkkee? monkkee is now just over a year old and while we have taken our time to answer these questions, a few things were always clear to us: With its client-side encryption, monkkee is a...

10 August 2014

Error-free journaling: How to add spell check to your browser

Typed too fast again? Why not enable the automatic spell-checker of your browser and get rid of those annoying typos that have crept into your monkkee journal? The advantage: Once enabled, the spell-checker will not only let you know when you have made a mistake in your monkkee journal, it’ll also check your spelling in web forms and text fields such as your emails! Get online suggestions for spelling errors All modern browsers have a built-in...

06 May 2014

Optimised loading of journal entries

With the latest update, monkkee now provides even better support for frequent journaling activities. Daily journal entries can quickly add up. Before long, the first 100 entries are written. Those who remain loyal to monkkee for years may even generate up to 1000 entries. To make sure that page loading times are not affected by a great number of entries, monkkee now loads your entries in an optimised way. In your journal overview, you will only...

26 February 2014

Improved support for mobile devices

With the release of the last update, monkkee has improved its support for mobile browsers. This is especially true for newer Android devices running Chrome, but improvements have also been achieved for other mobile operating systems and browsers. monkkee uses a visual editor, also known as a WYSIWYG editor (“What You See Is What You Get”) that offers editing features similar to those of word processing programs. The editor is the widely used...

26 January 2014

New feature: add images to your journal entries!

We are pleased to announce that we have added a new feature to monkkee today – you can now insert images into your journal entries! The new feature is free and available for all monkkee users. As your textual content, your photos will be securely encrypted through monkkee’s comprehensive encryption technology, so that no one except you can see them. How to upload and insert images into your online journal When you are creating or editing an...

15 September 2013

3… 2… 1… monkkee

We are happy to announce that monkkee has officially been launched today. Internet users from all over the world now have the opportunity to create a free online diary on monkkee.com and write down their ideas and thoughts. So do you! Your entries will be encrypted directly on your computer and thus remain strictly confidential and private. With monkkee, we bring a completely new product to the market, since no other journaling or notebook...

05 September 2013

The test phase has started

A few days ago the official test phase of monkkee started. Together with a selected group of people we are testing monkkee from the ground up to be optimally prepared for the go-live. In addition to manual testing of the user interface, an automated load test is carried out, since we want monkkee to run smoothly even if several users write or read entries at the same time. The first testers have already given us their feedback. The design was...