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06 May 2014

Optimised loading of journal entries

With the latest update, monkkee now provides even better support for frequent journaling activities. Daily journal entries can quickly add up. Before long, the first 100 entries are written. Those who remain loyal to monkkee for years may even generate up to 1000 entries.

To make sure that page loading times are not affected by a great number of entries, monkkee now loads your entries in an optimised way. In your journal overview, you will only see your 30 most recent entries at first. Only when you click on Load more (another 30) or Load all will further entries be loaded.

monkkee as a notebook

If you use monkkee as a notebook, you will benefit from the same positive effect. Those of you who take short notes several times per day will quickly have quite a few entries in their account. Due to the update, monkkee can now easily handle this.

Smartphones and tablets

The loading effect will also be perceptible on your smartphone or tablet. Compared to computers, mobile devices tend to have an inferior Internet connection, less memory and a smaller processor. Thanks to the update, available resources are now handled more efficiently.

« Newer entry: Error-free journaling: How to add spell check to your browser
» Older entry: Improved support for mobile devices